
Dress rehearsal for school classes

Best of Hollywood

Great film music in the Großes Festspielhaus, played by the Mozarteumorchestra Salzburg under the direction of Martin Gellner
Friday, 11. October 2019
Großes Festspielhaus
Hofstallgasse 1 , 5020 Salzburg
price from
6 €*

Dress rehearsal for school classes

If you would like to experience great film music LIVE, with a first-class orchestra and in the Great Festspielhaus, you have the unique chance to take part in the dress rehearsal of "Best of Hollywood". In addition to the musical experience, the pupils also get an insight into the rehearsal process and can get to know the music business from the point of view of the organiser.

The Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg will play under the direction of Martin Gellner (known, among other things, from the annual TV broadcast "Hollywood in Vienna"). In addition, the Upper School Choir of the Mozart Music Grammar School / Musische Gymnasium Salzburg and a further choir will participate. The concert will be moderated by TV legend Frank Hoffmann (known among others from the ORF cinema programme "Trailer").  

Registration for school classes: Please complete the registration form and send it to by 23 September 2019.

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